Founding Members

The Association was founded by all eight (8) companies which at the end of 2014 were active in Greece in Projects including road infrastructures with tolls. These companies have undertaken by the wider public sector the management of the infrastructure, including the design, construction, financing, operation, maintenance and/or exploitation of these Projects. These companies are all public or private legal entities and have formed the founding members of the new Association.


Attica Tollway is a pioneering project in Attica/Greece, constructed on a concession basis and constitutes one of the biggest co-financed road projects in Europe. It belongs to the first generation of co-financed projects awarded in Greece during the '90s and essentially paved the way and laid the foundations for the execution of future successful concession contracts, in Greece and in other European countries. Attica Tollway is a modern motorway extending along 70 km. It constitutes the ring road of the [...]


Significance The Egnatia Motorway and its vertical axes are the backbone of Northern Greece transport system. With a length of 657 km, it is the first high standard road axis that runs “horizontally” through Greece from Igoumenitsa to Kipoi-Evros. It shortens distances and brings areas like Epirus, Western Macedonia and Thrace out of their isolation. It multiplies investment in transport, industry and tourism. […]


Nea Odos is the concession company which has undertaken the study, design, construction, operation, exploitation and maintenance of “Ionia Odos” concession project. This inspired project is divided into two main sections and includes the construction works of the homonymous motorway – Ionia Odos – as well as of PATHE motorway. […]


Moreas Motorway (Korinthos – Tripoli – Kalamata and Lefktro – Sparti branch) is part of the second-stage improvement of the country’s strategic road network. The objective of the project, which is part of the Trans-European Network (TEN), is to be a key driver for regional development throughout the Peloponnese. […]


Aegean Motorway S.A. was established in June12, 2007 with its exclusive scope of works being is the design, construction, financing, operation, maintenance and exploitation of PATHE Motorway, section Maliakos – Kleidi (i.e. the section of the motorway that , extends from Raches in the Prefecture of Fthiotida to Kleidi, Imathia, covering a total of 230 Km) The Project undertaken by Aegean Motorway SA comprises : the rehabilitation and upgrading of the existing motorway of 230 kms the construction of a [...]


Olympia Odos is one of the major projects of strategic national importance constructed in Greece. It’s a modern motorway complying with the European standards that will connect the Peloponnese with the rest of Greece and Europe. Olympia Odos is a 30-year concession project consisting of the design, construction, maintenance and operation of the 202 km long Elefsina – Korinthos - Patras Road Axis. The new, modern and comfortable motorway will offer an upgraded and safe connection to the western part [...]


Odos Kentrikis Ellados or Kentriki Odos is the concession company which has undertaken the study, design, construction, operation, exploitation and maintenance of “Central Greece Motorway - Ε65” concession project. This project, measuring 231 km in total, is considered to be of strategic importance for the development of the country and concerns the construction of the Central Greece motorway (Ε65), from the semi-junction with PATHE at Thermopiles I/C to the semi-junction with Egnatia Odos after Oksinia (of a total length of [...]

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